
Planet Dodge is an app (hereafter referred to as simply "the app") distributed via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It is a game, created for fun by an 11-year-old and his dad, wherein the player controls a rocket-shaped sprite and earns points by (a) dodging objects such as planets and asteroids and (b) touching bonus stars. The game ends when the rocket collides with a planet or asteroid.

The app exists for your entertainment only—not for gathering your information. The app does not gather or transmit any data other than the minimum necessary to do the following, as described in the paragraphs below.

Sharing Scores

At the end of each game, the player is presented a Share button that allows them to share their score via their device's built-in sharing interface. The app generates a message that contains the player's score, the player's selected difficulty level, and a link to No personal information is gathered, therefore no personal information is included in the auto-generated message. The player is able to view and edit the message before it is sent, or they may choose not to share at all.

The destination of the message is the player's decision and is outside the scope of the app. Possible destinations include third-party apps and accounts that exist on the device, having been created outside of and separate from the Planet Dodge app. The player could share to third-party social networking apps, email apps, messaging apps, and more. This sharing of information may be subject to the privacy policies of the third-party app(s) with which the player decides to share and should be considered outside the scope of this privacy policy.

Online Gaming Services

The app also integrates with Apple's Game Center and Google Play Games (hereafter referred to collectively as "gaming services"). If a user has an account with a gaming service (hereafter referred to as a "gaming account"), they can engage with other players of Planet Dodge. Specifically, the app allows users who have a gaming account to post their scores and achievements so that other users can see them. If the user does not have such an account, then no data is transferred from the user's device, except as described in the above "Sharing Scores" section.

If the user has a gaming account, the app communicates enough information to enable the aforementioned features and no more. Although the gaming services may offer additional features, the app does not use them. No data is collected from or about users except gameplay activity data related to achievements, such as the user's score or number of stars collected. For more information about the gaming services and their data privacy practices, see the Apple Game Center privacy policy and the Google Play Games data safety page.

In order to log the user into the gaming services, the app may use Google or Apple services that incidentally transmit information about the logged in user, such as an ID or username, back to the app. The app discards this data. It does not actively use, store, or transmit any information obtained from the gaming services.

Activity Data Stored on Device

Regardless of whether a user of the app has chosen to create a gaming account, the app keeps track of certain gameplay activity statistics. This information is solely for the user's own entertainment. The usage statistics may include but are not limited to: number of games played, personal best high scores, total number of points earned, average points per game, total number of stars collected, and similar. This information is only stored on the user's device and is not transmitted anywhere. To delete this data, simply uninstall the app.


The app is intended to be enjoyed by people of all ages. As described above, no personal information is collected. The only way personal information could possibly be transmitted is if the user updated the post-game "Share" message before they sent it to the destination app (just the same as if the destination app had been used directly to do the same).


Any questions about the above data privacy information may be directed via email to

We hope you enjoy our game!